UK economy set to out-perform every Eurozone nation - with double the growth of Germany

GROWTH in Brexit Britain in 2021 is set to outperform the economies Germany, France, the Eurozone, and all of the G7, according to the OECD.
In its final report of the year, the body representing the World’s largest economies has given Boris Johnson a bumper Christmas gift by confirming the UK's place at the head of the table in terms of economic growth. Former Cabinet Minister the Rt Hon Sir John Redwood MP was upbeat about the news.
The OECD now believes Brexit Britain will do better economically in 2021 than every other major industrialised nation in the world, including the USA. Not only that, it expects the UK to out-perform the Eurozone by a considerable marg
The OECD expects the UK’s economy to grow by 6.92 percent. By contrast it predicts a much slower growth of only 5.17 percent in the 17 Eurozone countries.
The powerhouse of the EU and the Eurozone is Germany.
When the UK was in the EU, it was the fifth-largest economy in the world but was always in second place to Germany.
In its report, the OECD predicts that the economy of Brexit Britain will grow well over twice as fast as Germany this year. Germany’s growth rate is forecast at just 2.87 percent, whereas the figure for the UK is 2.4 times higher - at 6.92 percent.
According to article published in,